

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-3110
fax: (248) 370-4474
[email protected]


Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-3110
fax: (248) 370-4474
[email protected]

GDPR Privacy Notice

EU General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice For Oakland University – Office of Legal Affairs (Immigration)

This Privacy Notice applies to immigration services provide by Oakland University’s Office of Legal Affairs and is intended to comply with the European Union’s (“EU”) General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). This Privacy Notice applies to personal data that Oakland University collects or processes about an individual (“Data Subject”) while the Data Subject is located in the EU, 无论数据主体是欧盟国家的公民还是永久居民. “个人资料”指与已识别或可识别的资料当事人有关的任何资料.


Oakland University is an institution of higher education that offers courses to undergraduate, 研究生和继续教育学生, 进行学术和赞助研究, 并参加各种社区活动. 法律事务办公室负责收集, processes and uses Personal Data on Oakland University’s behalf for preparing and submitting information, petitions, applications, 表格和/或文件到适用的当地, state, 与数据主体的移民身份有关的联邦当局. The Office of Legal Affairs also maintains immigration records regarding Data Subjects as required by applicable law.  

Oakland University’s and the Office of Legal Affairs lawful basis or bases for collecting and processing Personal Data include the following:

  • Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by Oakland University or third parties in providing immigration related services to the Data Subject.
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the Data Subject prior to entering into a contract.
  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which Oakland University is subject.
  • The Data Subject has given consent for the processing of his or her Personal Data for one or more specific purposes. 对于未满16岁的数据主体, 同意必须由资料当事人的父母或法定监护人给予或授权.


The Office of Legal Affairs – Immigration collects the following categories of Personal Data in order to submit information and/or documents to relevant local, state, 与数据主体的移民身份有关的联邦当局:

  • 全名,包括任何别名.
  • Place and date of birth.
  • S. Social Security number
  • Alien registration.
  • Country of citizenship.
  • 合法永久居住国.
  • Foreign address.
  • Current U.S. address.
  • Phone number(s).
  • E-mail address(es).
  • Date of last arrival in the U.S.
  • I-94 number.
  • 目前的非移民身份和到期日期.
  • 护照号码,以及签发日期和有效期.
  • 先前移民和/或非移民身份、诉讼程序和历史.
  • Port of Entry into U.S. (for TN visas)
  • Prior incidents involving the U.S. Criminal Justice System.
  • 之前的教育和工作经历.
  • Full names and addresses, English proficiency, birth dates, 移民或非移民身份, proceedings and history for dependents who are included in petitions filed by the Office of Legal Affairs.
  • 支持或证明上述个人资料的各种文件.


  • 有关地方、州和联邦当局;
  • University Human Resources;
  • Academic Human Resources; and/or
  • Representatives of the colleges, schools, 及/或资料当事人受聘的部门.

如果您对收集和使用您的个人资料有特别的疑问, 请通过Boyd C联系法律事务办公室. 助理总法律顾问法纳姆 [email protected].        

If a Data Subject refuses to provide Personal Data that Oakland University requires in connection with one of Oakland University’s lawful basis or bases for collecting such Personal Data, such refusal will make it impossible for the Office of Legal Affairs to provide the immigration services described above.


韦德体育app官网从多个来源接收个人和敏感的个人数据. Most often, Oakland University gets this data directly from the Data Subject or under the direction of the Data Subject who has provided it to a third party (for example, 通过通用应用程序申请韦德体育app官网本科入学).


除有权接收本隐私声明中提供的信息外, 本私隐声明所涵盖的资料当事人有权:

  • Request from Oakland University access to and rectification or erasure of Personal Data or restriction of processing concerning the Data Subject, 反对处理和携带个人数据的权利;
  • 哪里的处理是基于同意, 随时撤回同意, without affecting Oakland University’s right to process Personal Data based upon consent before its withdrawal;
  • The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority appointed by an EU member state for the purpose of receiving complaints;
  • 关于存在自动决策的附加通知,包括分析;
  • If the Personal Data is going to be further processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, 然后通知进一步加工的目的和依据;
  • If Personal Data is collected for Oakland University’s legitimate interests or for a task carried out in the public interest, 则资料当事人有权提出反对, 基于他或她的特殊情况, 处理有关他或她的个人资料(包括分析);
  • 在何处处理个人资料作直接促销用途, the right to object at any time to processing Personal Data concerning him or her for such marketing; and
  • 不受完全基于自动化处理的决定的影响, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her; provided, however, 这一权利不适用,如果决定是(a)必须进入, or performance of, a contract between the Data Subject and Oakland University; or (b) is based upon the Data Subject’s consent.

Note: ExercE of these rights guarantees access to a process but does not guarantee any particular outcome.

Any Data Subject who wishes to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights may do so by filling such request with the Office of Legal Affairs through Boyd C. 助理总法律顾问法纳姆 [email protected].   


Cookies are files that many websites transfer to users’ web browsers to enable the site to deliver personalized services or to provide persistent authentication. The information contained in a cookie typically includes information collected automatically by the web server and/or information provided voluntarily by the user.  Oakland University’s website uses persistent cookies in conjunction with a third party technology partner to analyze search engine usage and web traffic patterns. 这些信息被用于监控和改进我们的网页. 它不用于跟踪单个用户的使用模式.


All Personal Data and sensitive Personal Data collected or processed by Oakland University under the scope of the GDPR must comply with the security controls and systems and process requirements and standards set forth in Oakland University’s Administrative Policies and Procedures as they are amended from time-to-time, including without limitation:


  • 为了达到其合法目的, including but not limited to, its legitimate interest, contract compliance, 根据资料当事人提供的同意, or as required by law;
  • as necessary to protect Oakland University’s interests; and
  • with service providers acting on Oakland University’s behalf who have agreed to protect the confidentiality of the Personal Data.

Data Retention

Oakland University maintains records for the time periods specified in its Records Retention and Disposal Policy, Administrative Policy 481, located at http://6szy.esanze.net/policies/generalgovernance/481/.